My friend and his mom

I am a 32-year-old guy. I live in Noida with my family. I want to share an experience I had when I was 23 years old because it was one of the best experiences I had when I was in my early twenties.

At that time, I had a best friend. His name is Sahil. Sahil’s family was financially little better than an average middle-class family. His family had four members, including him. He had a dad, mom and younger sister. His dad’s name is Harish. He was a government employee. His mom’s name is Madhu. Madhu Auntie was a housewife. His younger sister’s name is Priya. She was still in middle school.

Madhu Auntie was a house wife. She was beautiful and stylish, even though she used dress up only in Sarees. She had wavy black hair, she had seductive eyes, pretty face, big boobs, slim waist, sexy navel, curvy hips and chubby round buttocks. She had a hour glass figure. She was usually dressed in a see-through Saree and her Saree was tucked in at least two inches below her navel. Her navel could be seen through her Saree and from the side. She had a habit of flashing her navel to everybody. Even married men were attracted to her. I had also become very attracted to her when I was in 12th standard. I used to think about her and masturbate very often.

Sahil’s Dad, Harish uncle was a good man but he was not healthy. He had heart problems and other health problems. He didn’t look like he was capable of satisfying Madhu Auntie. So, Madhu Auntie was trying to get attention from men in the neighbourhood and many men were interested because she was sexy.

When I was in the 2nd year of my college, Sahil’s family moved to a bigger flat. That’s when the problems started. Madhu Auntie was still the same, flashing her navel to the men in the new neighbourhood. Even though she was about 45 years old, she looked like she was in her late 30s. She looked sexy and horny which attracted their new neighbours. One man was bold enough to make the first move. He was in his early 50s. He was big, like a giant. He used to boldly stare at Madhu Auntie. She also used to give him encouraging looks. One day I saw Madhu Auntie and the man talking. I thought something was going on between them, but one day when I went to their house, I saw the man in their house. He was having a friendly chat with Harish uncle. So, I thought he just wanted to be friendly with their family. His name was Ajai.

After a few days, Ajai uncle had become their family friend. He visited their house almost every day and spent time with Sahil’s parents.

I visited their house at least once in two days to study with Sahil because my house was noisy with my younger brother and sister. The other reason was, he had more games on his computer.

One evening, Sahil and I were studying in his room. Only Madhu Auntie was there in the house. His dad had gone to his native place with his younger sister to visit his parents.

Sahil asked me to stay back that night to play games after studies. I agreed to stay back. I called my mom and she gave me permission to stay overnight in Sahil’s house. Sahil asked his mom and she permitted him to let me stay overnight.

Madhu Auntie prepared dinner for us. We had dinner at 8:30pm. After dinner, she told us not to study too late and get some sleep.

Sahil and I went to his room and played computer games for about one hour. After Sahil lost few times, Sahil told me he was tired and he wanted to sleep. I told him, I had to take a leak before going to bed. So, I left his room and went to the toilet. The lights were off. The only source of light was coming from the Pooja room. On the way to the toilet, I had to pass Sahil’s parents’ bedroom. When I reached their room, I heard some sounds. The door was closed. I kept my right ear on the door to hear the sounds but the door moved slowly. I moved back and realized the door had not been latched. I pushed it little bit more and what I saw shocked me. Madhu Auntie and the Ajai uncle were kissing. I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and started recording.

The light in the room was off. Only the bed lamp was on. I was worried about the video quality but I didn’t stop recording. Ajai uncle kissed Madhu Auntie passionately for a few minutes. Then he broke the kiss and bent down to her breasts. He rubbed his face on her breasts. He moved down to her bare belly. Her rubbed his face and pecked kisses on her belly and navel. He put the tip of his tongue inside her navel and licked.

Madhu Auntie moaned with pleasure.

I felt very jealous watching him. I kept recording.

Ajai uncle stood straight and began removing the hooks of her bra. Madhu Auntie slapped his hand and told him to stop. But he didn’t stop. He removed her blouse and bra.

Her boobs were white and large. Her nipples were like little cherries. They looked so good that I wanted to run inside the room and suck her nipples.

Ajai uncle started massaging Madhu Auntie’s boobs and she moaned with pleasure.

After a few minutes, he removed her Saree and threw it on the bed. Auntie removed her petticoat and underwear. She climbed the bed and laid down while uncle removed his clothes and joined her on the bed. He knelt down on the bed, with his legs spread wide, keeping his knees next to both sides of her waist. He was facing her and straddling on her.

I was wondering what the hell he was trying to do. What he did, surprised me. He kept his hard dick between her boobs and pressed her boobs together in the middle on his hard dick. He moved his dick forward and backward, boob fucking Madhu Auntie. It was too much for me. I pulled my dick out of my pant and started stroking it. He suddenly stopped and let go of her boobs. He moved forward pointing his hard dick at her mouth. Madhu Auntie opened her mouth and his dick disappeared into her mouth.

I was shocked. I had only seen scenes like that in porn videos.

Ajai uncle moved his penis in and out of Madhu Auntie’s mouth. She made sounds as if she liked it and sucked it. After a few minutes he pulled his dick out of her mouth and knelt down next to her. He told her something and she spread her legs apart. He knelt down between her legs and bent down. He kissed her vagina and licked like a dog.

Surprised and jealous, I continued recording.

He kissed and licked her vagina for almost five minutes before he got up and lay on top of her. Then he lowered down and Madhu Auntie moaned. He moved up and down slowly at first. Then, his movement became fast. He fucked her like an animal. Auntie’s eyes were closed and she was moaning with pleasure.

After at least ten minutes, he stopped and laid down on top of her. Both of them were breathing heavily. Auntie was laughing softly. I stopped recording and went to the toilet.

I closed the toilet door. I played the video and stroked my dick. I ejaculated in the toilet bowl and flushed.

I went to Sahil’s room and closed the door.

“What took you so long, dude?” Sahil asked. I was surprised to hear his voice because I was expecting him to be sleeping.

“Stomach upset,” I said.

“I have to take a leak dude. I was waiting for you to come back,” he said and got down from the bed.

After he went to the toilet, I sat on the bed thinking if I should tell him about his mom. I just uploaded the video to my cloud account and waited for him to return.

Sahil came after a few minutes. He looked shocked.

“What happened?” I asked.

He said, “Dude, I saw Ajai uncle sneaking out of the main door.”

I took my mobile and showed the video to him.

“What the fuck dude!” he was more shocked.

“Sorry man. I had to get proof,” I said.

“Mom is a bitch!” he said.

“It’s not her mistake, dude. She is not satisfied. Your dad is sick,” I said.

He nodded. Still watching the video, he said, “Yeah. Dad is not well.”

“You have to take care of her,” I said.

“What?” he asked, confused.

“She is your mom. She took care of you. If you don’t take care of her, Ajai uncle will take care of her and she will go away with him,” I said, taking my mobile from his hand.

“Shit! Yeah!” he said, looking worried.

“Remember, you told me she is very sexy?” I asked.

He looked at me scared and asked, “What are you saying dude?” he asked.

“She is horny. Seduce her,” I said.

“No way. I am scared. She’ll tell dad,” he said.

“Ok. Leave it me,” I said.

“What’s your plan?” he asked.

“I’ll do what I learned from Ajit uncle,” I said and smiled.

“What did you learn?” he asked, curiously.

I knew he was an idiot, so I just told him, “Watch and learn, son!”

He shook his head and said, “Do whatever you want, dude. I just don’t want mom to go away with Ajai uncle.”

“Deal?” I asked.

“Deal,” he said.

That night I went to sleep imagining different ways to fuck Madhu Auntie.

Next morning, Auntie asked me to have breakfast before going home. I agreed to have breakfast. Sahil was acting uncomfortable around his mom. But I boldly tried Ajai uncle’s tricks. I looked intensely at her boobs and belly. I got good response from her. She smiled shyly at me whenever I looked at her boobs and belly.

After having breakfast, I went home. I returned in the evening. Auntie was happy to see me. Whenever I got a chance, I looked at her boobs, belly and buttocks intensely. I complimented her and told her she looked very beautiful. She just smiled shyly at me. Nothing else happened that day.

I visited Sahil’s house, every day. I continued my tricks of gazing at Madhu Auntie’s sexy body. Her response was good. I complimented her every day and started flirting with her. She too flirted with me. So, on the third day, I decided to tell her a dirty joke to see her reaction.

Sahil’s dad had gone to work and his sister had gone to school. Only Sahil and his mom were there at home. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room. She looked beautiful, dressed in a dark blue Saree that had some Zari designs. I went to her and said, “Wow Auntie! You look very beautiful.”

She smiled shyly.

“Can I tell you a joke, Auntie?” I asked.

“I like jokes. Tell me,” she said.

So, I told her this joke:

A couple gets married, and on their wedding night, the wife asks what a penis is. The husband, surprised, pulls his out. She says, “Oh, it’s like a dick but smaller.”

Auntie laughed and asked me to tell her more jokes. I told her two more jokes. She liked the jokes. But after I told her the third joke, her reaction was different.

This is the third joke:

A husband says to his wife, “Why don’t you tell me when you orgasm?” She replies, “I don’t like calling you when you’re at work.”

Auntie laughed. But she said, “Uncle is not healthy. He can’t make me orgasm.” She looked into my eyes as if she wanted to see my reaction.

“I am healthy. Sahil is healthy,” I said.

She looked surprised. “What do you mean?” She asked.

“Auntie, we know you are having an affair with Ajai uncle. Sahil is worried. He doesn’t want you to go away with Ajai uncle,” I said.

“I am not having an affair with anybody,” she said, angrily.

I took my mobile from my pocket. I played the video and showed the screen to her. She watched the video as if she had seen a ghost. Suddenly, tears rolled down from her eyes and she started crying.

“Please don’t tell anybody,” Auntie said, crying.

I stopped the video and said, “We won’t tell anybody. We just want to make you happy,” I said and sat down next to her.

I moved closer to her and kissed her cheeks. She wiped her tears. I touched her bare belly and gently caressed feeling her navel.

She didn’t stop me. She just asked. “Did you show the video to Sahil?”

“Yes,” I said.

I moved my hand up and cupped her right-side breast.

“Is he angry with me?” she asked.

“Yes. He wanted to tell Harish uncle. I told him we should take care of you, if Harish uncle can’t take care of you. Sahil agreed with me,” I said.

“Really?” Auntie asked, surprised.

“Yes. He told me you look very sexy. We want to make you happy, Auntie,” I said.

“Call him. I want to talk to him,” Auntie said.

“I’ll call him if you let me kiss your lips,” I said.

She laughed softly and said, “Ok.”

I moved closer and kissed Auntie’s lips. Her lips were soft and she smelled fresh. I parted her lips with my tongue and put my tongue inside her mouth. I licked her tongue with my tongue. I covered her mouth with my mouth and sucked the air out of her mouth. I put my hands around her waist squeezed the soft flesh on the side of her waist. I moved my hands up and squeezed her breasts. We heard footsteps and stopped kissing.

It was Sahil. He looked troubled. Auntie was looking at him with guilt on her face. So, I said, “Your mom is not going away with Ajai uncle. She agreed to stay if we make her happy.”

“Do you want to make mom happy, beta?” Auntie asked.

“Yes mom,” Sahil said.

“Did you see the video, beta?” Auntie asked.

“Yes mom. You are so sexy mom,” Sahil said.

“Don’t tell your dad, beta. If you tell him, he will become very sad,” Auntie said.

“I won’t tell him, mom,” Sahil said.

“Come. Sit next to me,” Auntie said.

Sahil hesitated, so Auntie said, “If you don’t want to tell your dad, you shouldn’t be afraid, beta.”

Sahil came and sat next to Auntie, on her right side as I was sitting on her left side. Auntie smiled at Sahil.

Sahil said, “I love you, mom.”

“I love you too, beta,” Auntie said.

I let mom and son have their romantic moment and continued with my business. I caressed Auntie’s belly and kissed the side of her neck. Auntie’s hand moved on my thighs and touched the bulge on my crotch. I moved my hands up to squeeze her right-side breast and felt Sahil’s hand squeezing it. So, I moved my hand to her left breast and squeezed. I tried to unhook her blouse but Auntie stopped kissing and said, “I’ll remove it.”

She removed her blouse and bra. We were quick to grab her boobies. We squeezed the swollen, jelly like breasts. Then, I went down to her left-side breast. I sucked her nipple and areola. Sahil followed my example and sucked her right-side breast. Auntie rubbed our dicks through our pants while we sucked her nipples.

A few minutes later, I stopped sucking her nipple and moved up. I kissed her lips and she kissed me. Sahil continued sucking and squeezing his mom’s boobies. I broke the kiss and moved back. I quickly removed my pant and underwear. I stood before Auntie and pointed my dick at her mouth. Auntie opened her mouth and took my dick inside her mouth. The warm and wet feeling inside her mouth comforted my dick which had become hard like a rock. I kept one hand on the back of her head and pumped my dick in and out of Auntie’s mouth. Sahil kept sucking his mom’s breasts like a baby while she sucked my dick like a hungry babe.

I thought about different ways for both of us to have sex with Auntie at the same time. I had watched enough porn, so I got an idea. I called, Sahil. Sahil stopped sucking his mom’s breasts and looked up at me.

“We should make love to her,” I said.

“Okay,” he said.

“You penetrate her vagina. I’ll penetrate her anus” I said.

“Okay, dude,” Sahil said.

“Get Vaseline from your room. I have to lubricate my dick,” I said.

“C’mon dude. I want to suck mom’s boobs,” Sahil said.

“After you come back, you can suck her boobs and penetrate her,” I said.

He thought about it for a moment and said, “Ok.”

Sahil got up and left.

I pulled my dick out of Auntie’s mouth. I lifted her Saree and Petticoat.

“What are you doing?” Auntie asked, curiously.

“I want to quickly penetrate you before Sahil comes,” I said.

Auntie laughed and stood up. She lifted her Saree and petticoat, and removed her underwear. She lay down on the sofa and spread her legs apart. I knelt down on the sofa between her legs and thrust my dick into Auntie’s pussy. I was in heaven. I fucked her quickly few times making her moan with pleasure.

“Vaseline,” Sahil said.

I stopped and looked up at Sahil. I didn’t want to stop fucking Auntie but Sahil was looking at me like I was cheating him. So, I stopped and got up. Auntie pulled my hand. I told her, “Auntie, you sit on Sahil. I’ll do it from behind.”

Auntie let go of my hand. I stood up and Auntie got up and sat down. I told Sahil to remove his clothes and sit down on the sofa. After he sat down on the sofa, Auntie knelt down on the sofa, keeping her knees next to the sides of his thighs. She caught his hard dick-rod and lowered herself. I stood behind, watching Sahil’s dick slowly disappear into his mom’s pussy. At that moment, I wished I could make love to my widowed mom and make her happy.

“Ohhh mom…” Sahil moaned as his dick fully entered his mom’s pussy.

“Do you like it, beta?” Auntie asked, sitting comfortably on her son’s lap, with his dick lodged fully inside her pussy.

“Mom…it’s so good…”Sahil moaned and started sucking her nipples.

I took the Vaseline jar and scooped the jelly in my middle finger. I pressed the tip of my middle finger in the opening of auntie’s anus. Her anus opened and my finger slipped into Auntie’s anus. I pushed my finger and Auntie’s body twitched forward. I pushed deeper inside the tight hole. Auntie whimpered. I pulled my finger out slowly.

Sahil moved his dick up and down like a piston, inside his mom’s pussy, while sucking her nipples. I was happy for him.

I took more jelly from the jar and pushed it an inch inside Auntie’s anus. Then I took more jelly and my pushed my middle finger fully into her asshole. The tight hole had become slippery. I finger-fucked her asshole few times and pulled my finger out. I spread jelly on my dick. Then I was ready for some good ass fucking.

I pressed the tip of my dick on the hole of her anus and my cock-head slipped inside her asshole. I pushed an inch inside and Auntie moved forward. I grabbed her slim waist and thrust my dick slowly inside, holding her firmly in place.

“Oh! Maaa…” she moaned as my dick glided deep into her tight hole. I pushed inside as deep as my dick could go. Then I pressed my crotch on her soft ass cheeks.

Sahil’s dick was moving slowly in and out his mom’s pussy and my dick was firmly buried deep inside her asshole. I rubbed my hands on the smooth skin of Auntie’s shoulders and back giving her a brief massage. I moved my hands down to her ass cheeks and spread them apart. I liked the view of my dick stretching her elastic-like anal ring. My dick was fully lodged into her tight asshole and pulsating deep inside her. I slowly pulled it out, until only the head of my dick was inside her asshole. Then I slowly pushed deep inside her, in a slow stroke, filling her asshole with my dick. Auntie moaned with pleasure and pain. Because she was in pain, I fucked her slowly, pushing my dick into the tight asshole and pulling it out. I admired her beautiful, big ass and moved my dick in and out of Auntie’s asshole again and again.

Sahil had stopped sucking his mom’s breasts and he was kissing her lips passionately, while fucking her cunt. I was little jealous to see Auntie kissing him back. I closed my eyes. I imagined my mom’s sweet face and pounded my dick into Sahil’s mom’s asshole with fury, smashing my crotch hard on her soft buttocks.

“Aaaaaaggghhhhhh!” Auntie groaned.

“Oh mom!” Sahil moaned and I realized he had cum into his mom’s cunt.

Holding his mom’s slim waist, I rapidly pushed and pulled my dick inside her tight asshole. Auntie cried in pain, “Aaaaaaggghhhhhh! Ooooooooooooooo!”

Her crying sounds sounded like music to my ears. I fucked her hoping I could fuck shit out of her but I failed and ended up spewing a load of cum deep inside Auntie’s shit-hole.

After Sahil and I finished having sex for the first time with his beautiful mom, we were all very happy. From that day, I had sex with Madhu Auntie whenever we could, but Sahil got more opportunity to fuck his mom. Overtime, I became jealous of him and decided to try my luck with my beautiful mom.


error: Happy Reading!